Prayer Ministry

MEGAS prayer ministry focuses on leading men to pray. When men truly pray, then they will understand the real essence and power of effective prayer. Primarily, our aim is to bring every saints of God to pray for at least 3hours daily.

Luke 18:1 NKJV
Then He spoke a parable to them, that men always ought to pray and not lose heart,

I Timothy 2:8 NKJV
I desire therefore that the men pray everywhere, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and doubting;

We aim to lead men to pray for real spiritual values. The reasons most people’s prayers are delayed or not even answered at all is because the content of their prayers are filled with earthly needs (James 4:3) – every time they appear before God, their prayers revolves around prayer for jobs, prosperity, healing, good marriage, protection, victory over enemy, etc. WE FIRMLY ADMIT THAT THERE’S NOTHING WRONG IN PRAYING FOR THESE THINGS BECAUSE EVEN GOD KNOWS WE NEED THEM (Matt 6:32). But the best way to get them is not to major on them to the point that they become the focus of our lives. God doesn’t want us to make them our primary prayer points (Matt 6:33). These earthly things are meant to be addition and not the main thing to pursue. When we make God’s needs (the kingdom, salvation of souls, etc.) our priority, God in-turn makes our needs His priority.

God wants us to pray for things that partain to the kingdom – pray to know more and increase in the knowledge of Him, pray to carry His presence, pray for the salvation of losts souls and the establishment of God’s will on the earth. This kinds of prayer will get God’s attention anytime. God pay special attention to people who pray this kind of prayers and so their personal needs are quickly attended to when they ask. I personally submit that praying for earthly things shouldn’t take more than 5% to 10% of your prayer time.

Therefore, MEGAS Prayer ministry seeks to lead men and to also teach many how to pray for real spiritual virtues.