

What we watch can give access to unclean spirits into our lives

Categories: Sermons June 28, 2024

The eyes is one of the access point into our hearts, and whatever impacts our hearts will also impact our soul.  Matthew 15:18‭-‬20 NKJV But those things which proceed out…

Defilement of the soul give access to unclean spirits into our lives

Categories: Sermons June 27, 2024

When someone's soul is defiled, it gives room for unclean spirit to access such a person. Someone whose soul is defiled cannot have a lasting victory because for as long…

Don’t watch the enemy take away what you’ve labored for

Categories: Sermons June 26, 2024

One of the way the enemy can keep someone in cycle is to steal, kill, destroy or scatter what is gathered. This is the primary goal of the enemy but…

Hatred causes the hater, not the one hated, to fall

Categories: Sermons June 25, 2024

Allowing hatred in your heart against someone hurts you more than the person you hate. Hence, the reason we must never allow hatred to control us.  I John 2:10‭-‬11 NKJV …