

Church mind is a wise and not a foolish mind. So wise up, and use your church mind

Categories: Sermons June 18, 2024

Some persons often use the words "church mind" when they want to refer to a feeble, timid, foolish person or acts. Unfortunately, church mind is far from these definition. Although,…

It is too risky to live life without any form of empowerment

Categories: Sermons June 17, 2024

Living without any form of empowerment is too risky. It makes you a victim vulnerable, helpless and always at the mercy of every opposition. This is a very dangerous position…

It takes corresponding work to make faith work

Categories: Sermons June 14, 2024

The scripture makes it crystal clear that faith without work cannot help anyone (James 2:14). In other words, claiming to have faith won't make the claim work for you until…

Prayer is a honor to the one who prays

Categories: Sermons June 13, 2024

Prayer is both a privilege and a honor to the person who prays. But Satan and the Flesh will make us see it as a burden. Imagine how honored and…